Monday, November 13, 2006


We were at the Worship and Justice weekend hosted by Seattle Temple. Geoff Ryan, Danielle Strickland, Tom & Raechel Freeman and The Singing Company specialed. It was a great weekend to look back at why we do what we do. Our worship is not separate from what we do for the poor. Our text was Amos 5:21 for the weekend, a repetitive theme from God. That is, He really despises our worship if we don't do anything for the poor, vulnerable, 'submereged tenth', the dregs of society. This is repeated in The Salvation Army's foundational scripture: Isaiah 58.

Geoff capped things off with Matthew 5 encouraging our corps or whatever we call them to be salt and light. Salt [used as a preservative, not flavouring] is to be located WHERE society is most vulnerable to decay. A light is to shine in dark places. We sould be asking ourselves, what difference does our corps make on our community in these areas? Is there less crime because we are around? Less addiction? Is God mentioned more? etc.

Pray that we fulfil the role of God's people in the DTES.


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