Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The Unseen

Last night I was walking back from dinner at Denny's.
It' a good 20 blocks or so from there to where I was headed.
Generally I pass at least 3 homeless people per block and every five blocks or so someone will ask me for money.

As I walked down Georgia back towards the Downtown East side I was talking to Donny, not really paying attention to my surroundings. All of a sudden I physically felt like I hit a invisible wall. My head turned to one side and I saw this Young lady sitting on the ground crying.
I couldn't believe that I hadn't noticed her until I was standing directly in front of her. Having been brought to an abrupt stop by what I can only describe as...a God thing.
It was an eye opening night for me.
God was speaking to me about how even though I live in this place where these broken and hurting people are all around me, often times I don't even really see them.
Shortly after we left Mickey with some strong truths and prophetic words that God had for her, we ran into yet another woman named Kimberly.
She was walking the opposite way as us and asked for spare change. I began to say sorry and continue walking, then Donny stopped and started to exchange words with her as well.
Again I was amazed that I for the second time was going to walk away from the opportunity to spread the gospel and share truth.

It's an easy thing to no longer be present in the place where your present. To somewhere and see whats going on around you, but to not truly see the heart and life in it all.

I'm praying God give me more of His heart and allow me to have His eyes to see, at all times. I pray the same for all who read this entry


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