Monday, October 08, 2007

Give thanks

Yesterday I attended my niece's dedication at Westsong in Victoria. We all had glad hearts for the blessing of her life and devoted to take care of her. As I held her innocence, purity, full of potential life in my arms during the response, I was greatly moved by the song, "Give thanks." The 1978 Marathana song's words were in sharp contrast to what was before my eyes a daughter bequeathed to be brought up free from harm, raised in Christian living and loved. Next to me was also my daughter thriving in her upbringing. Here's the contrasting chorus,

And now, let the weak say I am strong,
Let the poor say I am rich,
Because of what the Lord has done for us,
Give thanks.

Five years ago I could sing this chorus detached from the harsh living of the weak and poor. Now, my chorus singing is a dangerous act. If I sing of freedom for captives, God's love for everyone or anything with the weak and poor, my mind if filled with images of girls prostituted, wearing less clothing than the weather dictates and in harms reach. Their innocence robbed, likely years ago, not far off from the ages of my daughter and niece.

This Thanksgiving, I give thanks that God works in people's lives, to give strength, riches and to renew people's lives. I'm thankful beyond the world's circumstances and for God's compassionate glory [Ps 103]. I'm also thankful for the material and family blessings but in the wide scheme of things those could and one day will be stripped away.

Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks to the Holy One
Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son
(Repeat twice)

And now, Let the weak say "I am strong"
Let the poor say "I am rich"
Because of what the Lord has done for us
(Repeat twice)

Give thanks !



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