Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Power in Poverty

I had the great opportunity to fly back to Texas and visit some family last week. It was an interesting time. During my time there I engaged in a conversation with my mother about freedom and I think I got something that I had never realized before.

The statement "Real freedom is when you have nothing left to loose." hit me like a ton of bricks. When you've given up everything, handed it all over to God - every single thing and person in your life...you have nothing to be afraid of. You have nothing to loose. All that's left is either earthly, so it doesn't matter, or your life which if you loose is great because you have eternal life with the father after mortal death.
I realized the power in poverty. People who have been so deeply and grossly impoverished have so much authority. They have so much less fear because they have less to loose. They're not afraid of loosing their homes and nice cars, because they don't have them. They're not afraid of not being accepted or not having support, because it's nothing new to them. They aren't afraid of doing things that may risk their lives, because to them death would probably feel better.
I've been challenged by this realization. I've been challenged to have nothing to loose. To live my life surrender my life so completely that there is no reason why i would ever have to question if I'm willing to risk some specific thing for whatever God may be calling me to do.
"There's a power in poverty that breaks principalities, brings the authorities down to their knees."(*Jason Upton)
Now, that's what I want to do...


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