Monday, April 23, 2007

Last Night's Street Combat

Street Combat - a time when we engage with the enemy on the street - went well last night. We had two healings, a lengthy conversation leading to a relationship, some continuation of relationships, targeted prayer, a slum hotel blessing and met up with the saints from Cariboo at their street ministry. The handful of warriors turned out to be powerful and were effective in bringing in the Kingdom of God.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

News from the Command Center

This past week God gave me a vision of a beautiful freedom wall at our command center, and now it's practically done. Here's the deal:

The Freedom Wall is a place where you can post your personal declarations against human trafficking.
There have been several freedom walls, mainly ones that last about a day. People from all over the world are collecting tons of declaration cards. At the end of they year they are going to be sent all at the same time to the UN... so were in a way takeing part in a world wide protest against human trafficking. Accept our wall is staying up all year long!!! - we'll collect more that way :-)
I would encourage you to take the time to make your own statment.


If your not in the area of Vancouver, then you can go to to sign a declaration online.

I'll put up pictures after this Thursday.
Blessings - MJ