Friday, October 31, 2008


Today I ran into 2 people that I've had not so good experiences with in the past. I ran into one girl who was at re:cre8 the first time I was there, and she was not in a good state. She was throwing up and falling sleep all over. I haven't seen her much but I saw her today, and she looked really good! She was sober and clean! It was really exciting for me to see. And another lady, I ran into in my first week or 2 here, and she was really not in a good mental state...and I went to buy her a burger and she ended up spending like...11 dollars on my debit card. And then I saw her again a few days later and she was swearing and stuff. Then today I saw her, and again, she was clean, she got a house, she was in clean clothes and washed hair. It was really awesome!

God works in amazing ways. Its really awesome! I love it, and him.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Im feeling a bit of fustration this week in my own life!

-Im fustrated with the physical resistance towards war room shifts...thats where I should be spending the best hours of my days, why does my body seem to offer up so much resistance!!

-Im fustrated with my lack of commitment to reading the Bible. I am sensing a huge resistance in myself, but yet a huge eagerness to just sit and really soak Gods word!!!

-Im fustrated with incarnational heart is screaming inside to make more connections with people- it is simply not enough to exist in this community, there's so much death outside but yet theres so much life in my heart that I need to start screaming it out!!

So basically, I feel like my heart is really deeply breaking-but it a good way! I just long to spend my day sitting in the presence of God and have Him speak to the very corners of my heart and to just stay there- I feel so sick inside of the ways in which I make myself so busy to avoid doing this. I think that's where the real fustration is stemming from!

Monday, October 27, 2008

A conversation on Social Gospel and Proclamation

Street Photography

"...They will be called oaks of righteousness, 
       a planting of the LORD 
       for the display of his splendor.

 4 They will rebuild the ancient ruins 
       and restore the places long devastated; 
       they will renew the ruined cities 
               that have been devastated for generations..." 
 -Isaiah 61

"...And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. 3No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him. 4They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. 5There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever..." -Revelations 22

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Chill Saturdays.

This is the first Saturday here and forever it seems. Its been a while that I have been able to be like "hmm what will I do" It was a great day though. Spent it really great quality people. Started the day off with Olivia Munn, she made Phat Pancakes not in the shape of penguins. Followed by great conversation, of the present past and Future! While roommates Nicole and Kirsten woke up. Something is fun is helping my friends out with their outfits. I just really like affirming them of how great they look and how beautiful they are! Then we went on a adventure to thrift store shop, and brought along Deniseeee! So i was a fan of not choosing anything or being stressed or pressed for answers. Oh yeah and!!! something I have realised on the same lines of my last post about being thankful, I find myself savoring flavors and tastes so much! not having junk food is pretty cool, and also makes the rare occasions of having it really special, and I'm like "whoa this tastes really good!!" So i am a fan! I have been sick with a cold all week, so this weekend i can tell is a great time to get rested and get energised for the week! New weeks, new days are great gifts to start new and start fresh. I hope to be more disciplined this week, that's my goal! I hope everyone is having a great day!

the wonder of it all

So...this week has been weird. But mostly good. A couple highlights for me would be

1. Monday night at recre8, our friend Leigh ann prayed and it was so beautiful. Its hard to understand it unless you know her, but she prays so beautifully.

2. And we had a fight in recre8 (thats not a highlight)and people jumped up right away not to see what was happening, but more to protect us. It was just kinda cool to see that the things we're doing for the people who come into recre8 and the people we hang out with, make them want to protect us.

3. last night at recre8 Rob prayed for us. And it was really...a blessing. Which, again, hard to understand unless you know Rob, but Im trying! Rob is a guy who has a very tough exterior, but when you really get to know him, he's the sweetest guy. And just to hear him pray was amazing.

Thats about all I have to say at the moment,


Thursday, October 23, 2008

This week has been quite a rough one!

With the passing away of the mother to one of my closest buds at home, things have been a bit trudgey. I've really felt quite a pang of home-sickness and I've found it so hard to come in as a 'long distant' support...sometimes things really get you by surprise, eh!

Being engaged to someone on the opposite side of the world gets sucky! Not being present for significant events in the lives of the people you love hurts sometimes!

But I firmly believe that theres a bigger picture then what we can see! I firmly believe that we just have to keep pressing on sometimes with the bigger picture in mind...the final prize. The kingdom!

Phillipians 3:14 says:
press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward
in Christ Jesus.

Past Guest Lecturer Phil Laeger takes part in Micah Challenge

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Truth Isn't Sexy

At Youth Councils this weekend War College students were involved in doing a deliverance response. Essentially we want our lives to cut off the input into the false gods of this world. One major problem with our generation is lust. And this is not sexy! Check out The Salvation Army's latest initiative against this stronghold:

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Meghan Lebrecque - War College Alumnus and actor!

I'll Fight Day Promo from dynovinyl on Vimeo.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

City Hall Vigil

To see our action and intercession for Homeless Awareness week jump over to the streams of justice blog: You should be able to get updates and maybe see some pictures of us there!

Monday, October 13, 2008

I want that!!!

Okay so the other night I was walking back from the Evanses and it was bout 10.30ish at night. Randomly this guy came sprinting out from the alley behind Carnegie and was running on the road and then this guy started chasing him. It seemed to be quite a tense moment and it was pretty obvious that the guys weren't up to any good...they ran all over the road and then sprinted off down Main street towards Waves cafe, still on the road.
The thing that caught my interest was the huge crowd of people standing on the corner of Main and Hastings and how they alll stared down the road at these two guys...slowly following them around ther corner.

All I could think of was that I hope that one day, people would be that interested and desperate to know Jesus as they were to know the outcome of those crazy guys. My prayer would be that people would be so interested to see change in peoples lives that crowds in the masses would be staring down the street as they see us walk by in our daily living!

Praise God?!

Praise The Lord!

I think a big change in my life I know of is how thankful I am. So Many things, I am so blessed by the little things, they make me smile and bring me joy! For example being given the rest of the steamed milk in the "steaming container." But God is so good and is taking care of me before I think I have a need or want. This weekend was Cad Thanksgiving,MY FIRST! I spent it at Hope Renfrew with Denise, Jacynta, sally, and some other guest stars throughout the weekend! We ate really good food! If there is one thing you need to know about Alberta is how much she loves food! hahah! Lots of flavors and tastes! I experienced my first homemade "dressing!" MMMM BACON! One of my favorite things to do is cook and bake. I made a heart cake! its great! So I'm thankful for MANY great people in my life, being able to cook, a place to spend a break, Denise mastering the art of turkey making, and a whole bunch more! Hip- Hip-Horray for all of it!!

Happy Thanksgiving Canada!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

I dream of saving

So...last night, I had a dream that we were walking to knee drill, and ran into Mary-kate and Ashley Olsen.Weird, I know! So we stopped and talked to them and took pictures with them haha...then we invited them to come. They did and we got them saved. It was so random, but awesome!!

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Beauty in the broken

There is so much beauty in the broken heart of Vancouver. You just have to find it!! Its something I've been looking for lately and there is so much! Theres physical beauty and other forms too. Like today, I was walking with my Laundry and a guy offered to carry it for me. I had never met him before, but he wanted sooo badly to help me. There are so many people here who are like that and so many people drive through the DTES and dont even see the beauty. I see that everyday. There is beauty and light, its just dim sometimes.

What Humour!

okay so...the other day I went to have a shower. Which would seem like a normal thing right, no big deal? Unless you live in the Balmoral!! There is a communal shower on each floor, cept the showers don't have knobs so you need a wrench. Though I decided to go check them out once again- they've fuxed the showers! Praise God

Soo the story hasn't finished...I went down and got ready etc...but there was only cold water :( And it was freezing! But i was determined so I struggled through a cold shower including having to wash my hair- eek it was soo so cold!

And the funny thing...after rushing through a shower and freezing myself, when I went to turn of the water I turned the 'hot tap' off first- and wah! The water turned hot! So the only real issue was that the taps were round the wrong way!

So this made me laugh. Sometimes, you've just got to see joy in the situation! And sometimes[forgive the cornyness of this statement!!] I wonder how often we go through life struggling in the freezing cold when all we have to do is make sure we've got the right tap on! Read in to that what you will, ey!


Holiness and the cross

My friend James sent this about my post on death and life:

Since you mentioned death and resurrection, here is an excellent quote from the Pope (written before he was Pope) on the meaning of holiness. I obviously don't agree with him on everything, but he is worth reading. I find it incredibly moving, and I've shared it with a number of people. It also reminds me of what you guys are trying to live out at 614 Vancouver.

"On the contrary, this holiness [the holiness of Jesus] expressed itself precisely as mingling with the sinners whom Jesus drew into his vicinity; as mingling to the point where he himself was made "to be sin" and bore the curse of the law in execution as a criminal – complete community of fate with the lost (cf. 2 Cor. 5:21; Gal. 3:13). He has drawn sin to himself, made it his lot and so revealed what true "holiness" is: not separation but union, not judgment but redeeming love. Is the Church not simply the continuation of God's deliberate plunge into human wretchedness; is it not simply the continuation of Jesus' habit of sitting at table with sinner, of his mingling with the misery of sin to the point where he actually seems to sink under its weight? Is there not revealed in the unholy holiness of the Church, as opposed to man's expectation of purity, God's true holiness, which is love, love which does not keep its distance in a sort of aristocratic, untouchable purity but mixes with the dirt of the world, in order thus to overcome it? Can therefore the holiness of the Church be anything else but the mutual support which comes, of course, from the fact that all of us are supported by Christ?
I must admit that to me this unholy holiness of the Church has in itself something infinitely comforting about it."
-Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Introduction to Christianity, p. 264-5.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Guided and Empowered by Prayer

So I've got two stories from the other day that both have some pretty important lessons attached:
#1 -- I was heading up to the Evanses' apartment for Street Combat when I forgot what floor they were on. Hoping for the best, I headed to the six floor. I saw what looked like the right apartment and opened the door calling for Carla -- now the awkward part -- it wasn't the right apartment and I look over and all I see is legs on a bed saying "ummm, I think you have the wrong room" then I had to go back downstairs and push the call button again.
#2 -- We were discussing the awesome conference and then praying and Caitlyn finished of by saying "lets go make people cry!" Off Alberta and I went, we were walking when we ran into a guy named Martin who asked us if we were angels, we proceeded to tell him, but that we have Jesus in us. He nodded and then we asked if we could pray for him, when we did he started to cry, and I could just feel the holy spirit.
Morals of the stories:
a) always know where you are going, and
b) God takes prayer seriously and he can use jokes to change lives.

The walking dead - embracing death and living life

Today I've really been in the first state of grief and sorrow amidst much joy. I've really felt that I'm embracing the life and death of Christ. On Monday singing with David Crowder of the beauty of God I reflected how it was absurd to have the picture in my head that I did. Jesus slain, whipped beaten, ridiculed and hanging on a cross. But this is truly a subvertion of human beauty. In fact this event may be the most beautiful in history.

Consider Charles Wesley's verse from the hymn, "On the Sight of a Corpse."

Ah, lovely appearance of death!
What sight upon earth is so fair?
Not all the gay pageants that breathe
Can with a dead body compare.
With solemn delight I survey
The corpse when the spirit is fled,
In love with the beautiful clay,
And longing to lie in its stead.

In the midst of my sorrow and grief I reflect on the beauty and wonder of the cross and all the hurt is embraced, the things of earth grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace. I embrace the hurt and death I'm experiencing as sharing in His death. And by his death, I am healed. It is true, His yoke is easy and His burden is light.

World Passion

Here's a bit of what we saw: the opening.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

October is one jam-packed, blessing filled month here at The War College. If you were to be a student in any year - this would be it! Commissioners, Authors, Youth Councils, War College Founders, Surprises....

It has only been a week, and already there have been some great great things.

The month began with a conference in Kelowna called Building a House of Prayer. What a great way to start off the month! I wasn't there but I heard some great stories of deliverance and freedom. PTL

Yesterday the students were taught by Commissioner Marilyn Francis. I can honestly say this was a highlight for myself. She delivered a powerful word on Holiness in Heart - and we were spurred on to be Wholly Holy Sanctified. We were reminded that the Holy Spirit gives, Confidence, Conviction, Connection and Compassion. I heard rumor that someone may be putting an mp3 file of this teaching right here on this blog - stay tuned.

Last night I heard reports of a great concert The War College went to. Chris Tomlin and David Crowder led them in worship and Gigliani-something preached a powerful sermon on_____ (those who went should fill in some highlights)

I just came back from another great class taught by Danielle Strickland, co-founder of The War College. She delivered a word to us from Deuteronomy chapter 30. Let's choose life in ALL we do!

Tonight I hear there is something about limos, celebrities, movies and free popcorn? Stay tuned for details from that.


After Thanksgiving we have a brigade to BC Youth Councils, a class taught by author Brad Jersak and on the 31st there is a surprise guest teacher (basically it's yet to be announced) but trust me it's up there with the Francis and Strickland teachings.


Daniell Strickland [Cpt.] teaches today

Today the students continued in the richness of The War College experience by worshipping and dancing and sitting at the feet of The War College founder Danielle Strickland. The rich worship and teaching induced deliverance and filling surmounting on our previous weekend experiences and extravagant preach by Comm. Marylin Francis.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Holiness of Heart - Comm. Marilyn Francis

Commissioner Marilyn Francis shared with the student's yesterday about the gift of Holiness that comes from the Holy Ghost. Here's a glimpse:

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Kelowna Building a House of Prayer

Ever find when you go to a conference you are really encouraged to read your Bible and pray more? We certainly were this weekend. We received a warm welcome and even had personal prayer with Stacey Campbell. Her words were powerful moving us to tears while building us up in faith. We're not going to let this die out either. One student in particular is going to fast this week and has committed to 5AM - 8AM war room shifts. Pray for our perseverance in prayer. May we be faithful to what we have received and bless God.

Sunday, October 05, 2008


We spent some time in Kelowna this weekend. It was some amazing God time, and also got some time in a bear cave. It was sweet.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

I'm A Slave

I put this in human terms because you are weak in your natural selves. Just as you used to offer the parts of your body in slavery to impurity and to ever-increasing wickedness, so now offer them in slavery to righteousness leading to holiness.
-Romans 6:19