
A very nice aspect about Vancouver's summer [other than the significant break in rain] is the fireworks festival. For two weeks on the Wednesday and Saturday evenings immaculate firework spectacles which hundreds of thousands of people go out to are on display.
Two things:
1] Fireworks are like a theophany. The blasts, billows of smoke, gleaming seas of glass, glare and brilliance remind me of The throne. It was a worshipful experience.
2] Fireworks could be a perfect opportunity to invade with an open air meeting. There are piles of people out and since the fireworks are so worshipful, a worship set [30 mins] could be choreographed with the fireworks. I'd like to do this sometime without completely annoying those who listen to the fireworks synced radio station. Maybe if you are in a city with fireworks not put to music you have something to go on.