Sunday, October 21, 2007

Bill Siskay

In the last 6 months Donny and I joined a group of young people called SIEGE. SIEGE is part of Fly High ministries (, a motivated youth for a stronger Canada.

I've learned so much about the governmental system in Canada and how laws are passed or not passed....I don't think I'm quite sure how it all works in Texas or the US....

Part of what we do it go around to vist local MP's (members of parliament) and MLA's.
Originally I was really interested in doing this because it was a great way to reach the law makers of our land and tell them about what's on my heart - Human Trafficking.

Last week a few of us went out to meet with Mr. Bill Siskay. Bill is a hard working, kind, christian man. There were several things discussed during the meeting. Some things we absolutely agreed on, and some things we had different approached for, but over all it was evident to me that Bill has a heart for people and to be a (louder) voice for others.
I was beginning to wonder whether any of our meeting actually made a difference or had any impact on these people at all, or if these meetings were just another social setting where they have to explain once again their views and decisions, and above all to some young person who's not even Canadian...
Then I was reading up on some of the current bill and their presentations and debates. In one of the presentations an MP, now in agreement with Bill C-22, (raising the age of sexual consent) had changed his mind after hearing the testimonies of three young women who came into his office to testify of how this law leaves high potential for damaging products based on their own life stories. They went to see him, to simply share their hearts.

My initial thought was to wonder if those three young women had ever heard of SIEGE or if they were a part of it. As well as, the possibility that speaking up, sharing your thoughts, opinions and testimonies might actually make a difference.


At 10/21/2007 9:38 p.m., Blogger Carla said...

Nice scarf Jenea


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