Thursday, October 18, 2007

Week 3 of Blogging

It's raining.

So last weekend we had the privilege of being invited to BC division's senior youth councils - Youth Together 07. The War College was put in charge of running the 24/7 prayer room and a prayer walk for Saturday night. Now, I, being who I am, naturally rose to the position of leadership in all this. One word: TIRED. The prayer room went especially well, and, under the conditions of the walk (late at night, only an hour - a lot less time than we expected - and a complete miscommunication in what the directors wanted) I think it, too, went over very well. Probably my favourite part of the whole weekend was seeing the groups (the campers went in groups to the prayer stations on the walk) break off into prayer after every station (this prayer time was part of the walk). It was cool because it was so evident that people were moved, and that was the goal: to stir up something inside people that would make them think, act, and move closer to the Lord. So that, for me, was awesome. I love seeing the Spirit work. But MAN was that weekend draining. At the end of it, I felt like I was poured out in every sense of the word: spiritually, emotionally, physically. So this week has been a week of rest and waiting on the Lord for me. The first thing I did when I got back from camp was to spend some good time with Jesus in the war room (the rest of the session went spontaneously to do a service at Southmount).

Anyways, I've been thinking a lot about spiritual gifts lately and asking Yahweh for what mine are. If you have any input, feel free to post. I don't like saying what I think mine are, I'd rather have people declare it over me. But yeah...spiritual gifts :-)

Oh, the city strike ended this week! Praise the Lord! We went to the Carnegie today, pretty much for the first time ever, and got our membership cards. I am so thankful that it is open! It has all these great community activities, and a board of representatives that I will be able to vote for! It's like I rediscovered part of my love for music and politics and all my other passions today (the Carnegie has music jams or classes - and a jazz band! - almost every day!) They also put out this great newsletter for the community. I feel a lot more at home and part of a neighbourhood now that the Carnegie is open. Praise Yahweh!

Alright, I'm pretty good. I've had a great week growing in the Lord.



At 10/19/2007 6:55 a.m., Blogger Denise said...

Megan, I would like to encourage you to not be afraid to speak about your giftings. They are, afterall, given to you from God! I realize its not always comfortable and you may have a small belief that you're being prideful - but you're not. And I'm not saying its not good to ask those who know you and love you, because its definitely good to hear and listen to other.
If you can't speak about your giftings, how much harder might it be to walk them out? Also, if you wait for others to "declare it over you", you might just be missing out on something that God has already declare directly to you!
Just a thought.


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