Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hey, so I haven't bogged in quite a while, but I figured that I should really get on it so that my squad doesn't yell at me for getting us a bonus blessing...

Anyway. Lately I have come to the realization that I am not at the War College to help people, or save the world, or whatever. God has brought me here to work on me. Call it selfishness or narcissism, but I love myself, and I want to be whole: I want to stop being a broken, lonely person. I want to be a woman who basks in the glory of God. I want to be holy and righteous. I want to know what my purpose is both in life and within the body of Christ. And I want to cry, unreservedly, because I know that God looks on me with adoration and grace. Man, I just want to cry; without thinking that I am being weak or wanting to hold it back because it hurts, but to glorify God in my vulnerability, to break down not only my own walls and reservations but everyone else's too. 

I was reading a poem by Bradley Hathaway today, and I thought that it would be appropriate to post a link to it, It's called The Hug Poem

Jessica Walker


At 11/13/2008 10:43 a.m., Blogger Denise said...

Nice! Love it!
I encourage you to try and look into the brokeness you are experiencing - cause being broken doesn't have to be a bad thing, maybe something to embrace!! Just a thought.

Bonus Blessings! hahaha!


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