Friday, March 23, 2007


Watching DVD's on the Salvation Army Doctrines at Stephen Courts place is always a riot. Sounds lame, but we make it cool. Last night, we paused for a short discussion on being saved by faith, but still requiring salvation, how God is all knowing yet still allows us to choose...these types of things.

We somehow stumbled on the the universalism beleif, meaning that Jesus has paid the price for all, so were all going go to heaven, because Jesus did it all for us. Then there was the more Calvinistic approach, being that I just have to believe and accept Jesus, then I am saved forever and am going to Heaven, so it doesn't matter what I do, or how often I screw up, because my place in Heaven is already secured. (this one is almost right)
This talk then brought Olivia Munn to the question..."So then what are we called?" and of course with Stephen Court in the room...we began to make up a fitting name. This is what we got....PUCA's.

PUCA stands for Potential Universal Conditional Atonement. Potential Universal because Christ did die for ALL, yet all don't accept his gift. Conditional because we believe it possibe to loose our salvation by continued habitual sin. Atonement because it's what Jesus Christ made for use....I think however more fitting than atonement would be to say salvation, because Christ has made the atonement for all but once again not all receive it.

This leaves me saying we are PUCS - I believe in Potential Universal, Conditional Salvation.

We are PUCS!


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