Thursday, November 08, 2007


Dodgoccery was founded by a group of students (and a teacher) during drill or phys. ed class at The War College in 2007. It was birthed out of desperation to find a sport that was both exciting and easy to play inside. Originally, it began as a game of indoor soccer, complete with goalies. Hockey sticks made an appearance in the net, with the purpose of making it harder to score. When no soccer ball was found throughout the land, a red rubber dodgeball was found in the Carnegie sports closet, and thus, Dodgoccery was born. The action on the offense soon became too exciting and the goalies came out of their positions, abandoning the hockey sticks and the net, and fought with the rest of the team battling for the red rubber ball. The game, it was decided, didnt need a goalie anyways as it was ultimately very hard to score with a ball that is as explosive as a dodgoccery ball. Although dodgoccery has a very short history, it is important to tell it's story for one to get a real handle on what has quickly become a favourite at The War College.
Teams are generally made up of about 4 or 5 people. There are two soccer nets set up inside a gym on opposite ends. The main jist is a game of soccer played with the bounciest ball you can find, like a red rubber dodgeball. Passing is pretty much nonexistent. Instead, you just want to kick the ball however you can because you know it is going to be unpredictable anyways. There are no goalies. You are generally allowed to use heads, shoulders and forearms for the ball, but no hands. Kick high, kick hard, just kick. Body checks are allowed and generally encouraged if your aim is to steal the ball. Kicking the ball off the walls is very encouraged and an excellent way to pass. If you can manage to shoot the ball into the net, your team earns a point. If, however, you manage to get the ball in the basketball net located above the other team's soccer net, two points are awarded (if you're wondering how this can be done with a highly bouncy dodgeball using only your legs, head, shoulders or forearm, ask Rory who made the most magnificent header into the basketball net this afternoon). Watch out, this game could get violent.
The most important rule of all, however, is that you don't hold back the laughter that is sure to come from your abdomenal area. Those stomach muscles need a workout, too, and dodgoccery is sure to give you a good one.

Today was a good day :-)



At 11/11/2007 4:02 a.m., Blogger Victory of the People said...


thats australian for nice


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