Saturday, November 24, 2007


I talked to my sister on the phone for a while today, for the first time in a while.
At one point, she got mad at me because I don't want a Buddha statue for christmas.

It's funny, shes not Buddhist. Nor is she Christian.
I haven't been Christian myself for very long, and I've never straight out said "Hey sister, I'm a Christian!" But she knows.
She's not a fan of organized religion. She believes that there is truth in every religion, and that whatever religion you believe will be true to you.
Yeah, I suppose that makes sense.
Untill judgement day.
My question is, how do I change a mind like that? I mean, technically she's not really wrong.. But she definatly isn't right.

God's been talking to me a lot latley. It's been really good.
It's getting easier to tell what is truth and what is lies.. Except about one major situation. If anyone wants to pray for clarity for me, that would be nice.

Is there a difference between sacrifice, and giving something up to make it easier on you?

Almost everyone I know is giving me crap for not having enough time for them this year. They don't understand that this is my life this year. This is where I need to be. It's really hard, because some of them are going through some pretty serious stuff, and I feel like I should be there for them, but I just can't. I can't be there for everyone, and do what I need to do here. I can't please everyone.
I don't need to please everyone, I just need to please God.
But where do I draw the line?

It's because it would be so easy for me to just hop on a bus and go see everyone who needs me. The only problems are time, and priority. God is my priority, God wants me in war college, therefore, war college is my priority. How to I explain that to my friends who aren't Christian?

Would not going home on the weekends be a sacrifice I should have made upon coming here, or would it be giving it up for myself to make it easier, and if its the latter, than is it worth it?

If I'm running away from my life this year, but am supposed to run back to it next year, how far should I run from it this year?
It's all about balance, and trusting that the Lord will help me to get balanced and stay there.

Why am I busy blogging about this? I should be praying about this.



At 11/25/2007 10:01 p.m., Blogger Lisa Johnson said...

hey jess,
Lisa here... from the last session. firstly i am sooo proud that u have taken the step to go to War College... its really cool. secondly, u just need to keep committing 100% to TWC and not worry bout home. i know its close, but there has to be some sort of separation from the community there. i almost gave up and went home for others... but remember God is with them no matter what. you just keep focussing on your growth and what God wants you to do there.

love you and say hi to Cory and Kelly and Dave and Lisa for me!


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