Monday, November 19, 2007

Truth is Hard-Wired

What can I say? God built each of us uniquely. Some of the stuff that ticks me off sends others to their boldest and brightest! Some of the stuff that makes me thrive brings others way down.
I've been thinking a lot about traveling recently. I think I'd like to take a while off and live as a homeless wanderer, walking around America. That doesn't float some people's boat, but that's A ok. Well, I say this to get at the point that I wanted to do this wandering to get away from everything else that I'm used to. I want to write stuff down and think about life, and the more I think about it, everything I'm looking for is like hard-wired into my brain and my soul. I see God's Truth and beauty in creation. I see it in humankind. I see it all over the DTES. So, I've decided I'd like to search out this Truth here, now. I'm not even sure how. BUT I really want to. I want to dive deeper into God. Yeah. That would be cool.
Lord, please show me Your Truth all around- let me feel it like I'm underwater!


At 11/21/2007 1:29 a.m., Blogger Jenny Hawkinson said...

Hey Ashley! I'm pretty sure I met you at the coffee house (Recreate?) about a month ago. I was sitting with you, Ricky and Robby...remember the redhead? Anway, I love your post! I've often wanted to just leave everything to travel the world at large... or just the america's. Either way works for me. But honestly, to only take the bare necessities (plus my art materials) and then delve into learning more about God and actually listening for Him would be amazing. Thats my problem, there are too many distractions pulling me away from the truth.
I like your way of thinking!

p.s. DRIME still meets on Robson, by the art gallery stairs... do you still need ideas for the trafiking protest?

At 11/22/2007 8:28 a.m., Blogger pete footer said...

praise the Lord
Do it. travel the world (or just America) take nothing with you just as jesus said and he will provide for you.


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