Sunday, November 18, 2007


Sorry about the late blog folks.
There was a lack of internet in my life yesturday, due to not being allowed in the command centre/not having my computer.

I had a really good night tonight. Best street combat so far.
I met a bunch of people, and one lady sticks out in particular.
Megan and I met her when we were about to leave Blood Alley. I'm very glad Megan spotted her hiding in the shadows.
I really felt like God wants her to know how beautiful she is, and how amazingly he created her. She is searching for freedom.
In class on Friday, I had a revelation about freedom.
Freedom is the only thing people want. Think about it. Everything people crave leads to freedom, or a false perspective of freedom.
True love = freedom.
Drugs = freedom from pain.
Choice = freedom.
Money = power = freedom.
We were finding the link between different world issues, such as war, abortion, capital piunishment, poverty and so on..
The link I saw so strongly was freedom.
I've realized that is what everyone is searching for.
That is what I was searching for all my life, and could only find in one place.
He is the only true freedom, he is the only one that can really set us free, yet everyone who doesn't have him, and aren't searching, are doing so because they believe they are free.
They think they have freedom but they really don't, and that is what is so sad.

I used to always get confused, and just not understand the lyrics "It is for freedom you've set us free" and I never completely grasped the concept of freedom, and of the freedom that Christ gives us untill recently, and it is just blowing my mind.
Instead of asking people if they know Jesus, we should ask them if they are free, because that is what Jesus is, freedom. That is what people want, and all they need to know is that Jesus is the only true freedom.

Iv'e never been so free as I am now.

Praise God.


At 11/19/2007 3:22 a.m., Blogger Victory of the People said...

thats good stuff.


if the meaning of life is to live (which is my self-prolaimed catch phrase) what does living mean?

essentially living really means freedom -

good stuff.



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