Monday, September 22, 2008

Home Sweet Home

These last few weeks I've spent in the downtown eastside have been interesting, challenging, fun, joyful, sorrowful...any emotion you could think of, i've probably expirienced all of them. In the last couple weeks I have learned more about myself than i ever have before. I love it and hate it at the same time. But I'm taking it all in better than I thought i would, which is completely awesome. I'm loving how close I've grown to God in these past and how fond I've become of the DTES. It almost feels weird if i don't constantly smell urine or cigarette smoke...and i love how the hallway of my building makes Jessica almost vomit, but I can't smell anything. New things are being revealed to me every day, and it's awesome how much im learning. 

keep it coming!


At 9/28/2008 12:00 a.m., Blogger Victory of the People said...

how come this one is like long and not in the white parts


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