I taught at The War College today. It was kinda fun. Okay really fun (I just hope the students thought that too). We first had a discussion on prayer, not so much teaching, but more to get us thinking. Why do we pray? What is prayer? Is there a point in saying Grace before meals? If we are praying in the spirit at all time as Paul encourages us to do in Eph. 6, then should we open and close 'events' and other times with prayer? Again, none of these are a teaching thing, it was more of a discussion thing and to get our minds thinking for ourselves. To explore these places with the Holy Spirit and not to just be taught by people and blindly or loosely take it in.
The Lord layed that on my heart last night to talk about with the students, but what I wanted to teach on was LIFE. I've blogged about this many times, I might post some more in the nearish future..but the main points from this mornings class are as follows. The meaning of life is to live. Choose life. Zoe, in it's original Greek means, life, alive, come to life, belong, receive living, and bring life to others. Always choose life. And remember Christ's Resurrection.
There are some fantastic teachings coming up as we wrap up December. Check out our online calender for details - google calender search 'The War College'...theres also a link you could go to, but I don't know it.
God Bless The War College