Friday, December 07, 2007

Considering Advent

I've recently been going through characters of the nativity and sharing the Christmas story with my children. The nice advent cardboard cutouts downplay some very appropriate themes while ministering and looking for Jesus during this festive season:

1] Jesus was born into poverty. His mother sacrificed the doves and their family was shut out of the inn, likely showing the family's lack of options and income. Where can we see this today?

2]Jesus was born into an at risk family. His mother was a teenager and his father wasn't the biological father. This created an atmosphere of suspicion and social exclusion. Joseph was considering leaving. Where do we see this today?

3] Jesus was born into tragedy. His race again was currently under genocide with male boys thanks to the 'wise men' tipping off Herod. He became a refugee fleeing to a foreign country and finally returning to the position of oppressed native. Where do we see this today?

There is more darkness shared in this story than the silver bells, holly and Christmas baking. When we reflect on the real Christmas, where do we find Jesus today? Are we close to him? Are we friends with him? Are we reflecting on him or might we be missing the point?

I'll have to weave these themes into my kids' advent nativity.



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