Wednesday, March 12, 2008


The classic question,
What is love?
Well you could quote me some bible verses and tell me that "Love is patient, love is kind.."

Why doesn't anyone teach us about how love sucks.
How people don't love like God loves. People hurt us, people reject us, people neglect us, people leave us.
People make mistakes, people break down, people get sick.
People are so imperfect, every single one of us. How can we help eachother, how can we comfort eachother?

I constantly go up and down with people. Even the people who I thought I would never have to worry about, our relationship would always be okay, always be intact. I never know if they truly love me, and whenever I think they do they turn around and spit in my face.

It's frustrating because I know that I'm imperfect too. I don't know how to love either.
Even God's love hurts sometimes. Not because he's bad at it, but because we don't understand it.

If you readers haven't guessed I'm not having a great day.
But, God is still God, he is still good, he still knows, and he's still in control.
He is still worthy of all my praise.

No matter what happens he will always love me, and never leave me.


At 3/12/2008 11:50 p.m., Blogger Jenea Gomez said...

I'm proud of you Jessica. I see the work that the Lord is doing in you and its really shinning through right now. It's beautiful to see. Reminds me of a song... "beauty in the broken" - I think that I finally get that song.

At 3/24/2008 8:26 p.m., Blogger Hezza said...

i think that is why Jesus is named a man of constant sorrows, familiar with suffering (Is. 53) and how we are invited in Romans 8 to share in His sufferings that we may share in His glory...He truly loved humanity despite what we say how we think, how we treat one another and feel about ourselves. That's a painful love indeed - but it is also a worthy offering to pour your life into.

All that being said - it IS hard. It's trying. It's grating and wearing. But I won't lie to you...if loving others doesn't bring you joy and break your heart, you probably not doing it like He did.

great grace on you sister,


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