Friday, March 14, 2008


Last Night I was getting ready to go to Knee Drill and a friend of mine came in my room and asked me to pray for him.
He started talking to me about his struggles with priorities, relationships, his time with the Lord and other things. Really he felt like he lacked time management and that he often misses things or neglects people and the Lord because he's not good at managing his time. 

Funny thing is, in the last couple of years this same friend has taught me so much, just through being him, about not allowing myself to be ruled by my schedule, ruled by time. 
It's been a long hard process, but I think that I have finally reached a balance. Don't get me wrong, I still forget things, miss out on things, am late for things etc. It's one of those "just for today things"
However, I have learned that it is more important to be obedient to what the Lord wants me to do each day, instead of trying to just do everything that needs to be done. 

I was reading Genesis today, the story of creation. The Lord made us in His image. 

When he was keeping himself busy with you know, CREATING EVERYTHING. I don't imagine that things were hectic and he was running around trying to get everything done by the end of the day. I imagine that he planned, prepared, did things over a length of time. 
Not even the character of Christ strikes me to be unpeacful, busy or hectic like. 
Why do we do that?

My friend felt like he was doing something wrong because he has not yet been able to conform to this life of busyness that world has created, and perhaps he is missing some structure. However, the fact that he finds it so difficult to live off of a schedule, I'm not sure that's such a bad thing. 
After all we are meant NOT to conform to the patterns of the world, right?

I ended up not going to knee drill last night. I was kinda happy about that. Not about the idea that I missed out on some great corporate prayer and worship, I'm sure. 
I was happy that I was at home praying and worshiping the Lord with someone in my community, it was not on my schedule,  and that was okay.  


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