Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas Break.

My christmas break so far has been awesome. It's nice to sleep in my own bed.
I really like being home right now, because my mom is planning on selling the house (the only house I've ever lived in) soon, so this might be my last chance to really be here.

I'm going downtown today though, because we are switching rooms in the empress, and I'm the only girl close enough to go help. But that's okay, there should be a few people there, so it shouldn't be too difficult.

I miss my session mates.
And the leaders.

I also really miss my stable, but I might go there next week to watch my sister ride. It will probably just make me really sad that I'm not riding as well, but at least I'll get to see the horses.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

You know you've been doing too many kettles when... know the entire "Birth" section of the songbook off my heart know exactly where you can get free food, from who, and at what time of day at each kettle location
...your hands involuntarily move as if they are ringing bells when you hear the k-word
...the ten year-old boys that give money out of their own pockets are your HEROES can't remember any songs you once knew that aren't Christmas carols
...EVERYTHING sounds like bells
...your daily prayers consist of two things 1)that the money comes in 2)that someone brings you a free hot drink today
...the hot dog vendors that work your street corner are your new best friends
...everywhere you go your eyes are looking for that blue pick-up minivan commit to absolutely not sing any kind of Christmas song on your day off, but you just can't do it know people by face at each location become numb to the fact that you possibly have thousands of dollars in change hanging in front of you in a ball on a chain
...losing your voice doesn't just suck, it really sucks invest in your own personal set of jingle bells develop timbrel/bell blisters on your hands can text message and ring bells simultaneously and your are PRO
...all of your daily conversation revolves around who's on what kettle and when
...your hands are stained with the smell of money
...hte thought of NOT wearing double socks and long underwear is absolutley absurd
...your back has never been so sore're convinced the cough yo've developed is from second-hand smoke know how much time it takes for the traffic light to change outside your kettle know where the nearest coffee is to every location know how to get to places you've never been before just because you see the buses that go by on their routes
...every blue minvan that passes by but isn't the pickup van, stinks have enough stories to tell a lifetime! matter how crazy or messed up your life is, you miss it pass the time by thinking up "you know you've been doing kettles too long when..."

That entire list was my month of December.

But, really, there was a lot of good to come from kettles too. I think we all noticed that our session came a lot closer together through the process. Perhaps due to not having classes that make us argue, or maybe just being too exhausted to spend any more energy uselessly debating. Generally when we were all together it was counting money or crashing in Aaron's house, just chilling out. We really needed that. We also understood each other's pain from each day, and it was kind of this communal burden we all shared but it brought us closer together while we were all shouldering it. Through pain, there is gain.

So, looking back on it, it was a really hard, slow month to get through, but there was definitely beauty to come out of it. 1) session getting closer together 2) spending more time at the 'whitehouse' 3) getting to know Pete & Marnie more 4) getting to witness on the street corners and people can't do anything about it but catch glimpses of the gospel 5) someone getting saved! 6) singing practice (i really needed that too) 7) reaching our budget goal in the end 8) i'm sure there is even more that i cannot think of at this moment

Ok, that's it for now. I'm at home in Toronto for the break and as I wash my clothes to try and clean out the stenches they have picked up in the Empress, I find myself missing the downtown eastside even more then I thought I would. Loving being back on the east coast though (what, what! represent! - Go Maple Leafs!)

Holy Christmas to all!


Megan S

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Jonathan Evans preaches at South Abbotsford Church

Here is a sermon I preached in Abbotsford a couple weeks ago. Donny Melanson gave a testimony prior to this preach. God was glorified as many people responded to fight against injustice and love the poor.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

It has been a while since I have written on here and I tend to keep on blogging so you you guys can keep on praying for me. As you probably know we are in the kettle season and all we do everyday is kettles. I find that sometime they can be long and sometime they can be quick but what I learned today was that I need to be more open because I have been keeping my thoughts inside of my head and that not always good today but I'm glad that I got the chance to talk to Ashley about my thoughts and stuff. I need people to ask me what I'm thinking sometimes because I sometimes say I'm doing good when actually I'm not.
So I just ask for prayer and encouragements and for you to pray for the session just for rest, encouragement and perseverance through the rest of the year.
Until next time


Gideon Warrior


Recently I have been thinking a lot about love. And love is very hard for me. All together....being loved...loving others. And the reason that I have a really hard time is because I don't like being hurt. A few days ago I realized that it hurts to love others and I shouldn't be afraid of it. I have been having a hard time loving people in the Downtown Eastside because they hurt so much and I know that it would hurt me to love them. Selfish I know, but true. We had a christmas party the other day and we had to invite people from the DTES to come, people we have befriended. I only had one friend that came. And this person is someone that I have gotten to enjoy and love. And the thing for me was that he always seemed pretty happy. We would have good conversations. At the party we were talking and I was being kind of intense with the things I was saying because I really wanted him to accept God because he is mad at Him. He was doing his thing making jokes and acting okay than he started sharing stuff. It was really hard for me to listen to. He was telling me about how he does drugs so that he won't kill himself. He told me how lonely he was and how everyday he wamts to die because he is so lonely and just all this stuff that I was not expecting him to say. I sat there and I had no words. All I could do was sit there and listen. He didn't want me to answer his problems, because he has had people do that and he didn't want me to tell him all the cliche things that christians say because he has heard it. He wanted me to love him. And in that moment I think I hurt more than I had in a long time, but all I could do is love. I saw than the importance of loving and how that it is going to hurt and it is going to be tough, but it is worth it.


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

so very much to say...

Friday, December 07, 2007

Considering Advent

I've recently been going through characters of the nativity and sharing the Christmas story with my children. The nice advent cardboard cutouts downplay some very appropriate themes while ministering and looking for Jesus during this festive season:

1] Jesus was born into poverty. His mother sacrificed the doves and their family was shut out of the inn, likely showing the family's lack of options and income. Where can we see this today?

2]Jesus was born into an at risk family. His mother was a teenager and his father wasn't the biological father. This created an atmosphere of suspicion and social exclusion. Joseph was considering leaving. Where do we see this today?

3] Jesus was born into tragedy. His race again was currently under genocide with male boys thanks to the 'wise men' tipping off Herod. He became a refugee fleeing to a foreign country and finally returning to the position of oppressed native. Where do we see this today?

There is more darkness shared in this story than the silver bells, holly and Christmas baking. When we reflect on the real Christmas, where do we find Jesus today? Are we close to him? Are we friends with him? Are we reflecting on him or might we be missing the point?

I'll have to weave these themes into my kids' advent nativity.


Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Today is the day after Freedom day and it feels good. The Lord has healed me in areas and has revealed himself to my by speaking to me and showing himself to me

Sunday, December 02, 2007

My life right now, in a nut shell.

I'm wrestling through a few different things with God right now.
I'm learning lots about him.
I'm both loving and hating kettles at the same time.
The snow made me happy, the rain not so much.
I'm starting to get very excited for Christmas, because this year, it will be the most meaningfull Christmas yet.
One, because I will be celebrating Christ's birth for real this year, not just hearing about it throught December, not taking much interest.
Two, because it will be the first year I will actually have to travel home, even though its not very far. I will actually be visiting home.
Three, this has been the longest time away from my family as a whole I've ever had. It's been months.

Even with my stress right now over various things, life is good, and God is even better.


Saturday, December 01, 2007

It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas...

It snowed this morning!
This morning, I awoke to see a layer of snow falling lightly and blanketing the city streets (yes, it stayed on the ground and yes, this is unnaturally early for snow in Vancouver). My roomate, Jordan, and I quickly got dressed and ran out to the fire escape deck where we could be outside with the snowflakes (actually, mini-hail balls, but for prettyness-sake I'll call them snowflakes). Back in our room, we played the Christmas carols we had downloaded on Jordan's computer and got ready for our first day of kettles, realizing that today is December 1st and we could open our advent calenders! As we walked to the command center, our footprints stayed where we put them in the white plush, our jackets got covered in little white balls of frozen ice, and the sky seemed to dance with the merriment of the Christmas season arriving today in full bloom. It was interesting to notice last night, walking back from the Christman community houses near Oppenheimer Park (where 40 some Christians live in communtiy together soon to be 55! which is awesome and makes me really happy), that there is a giant santa claus hat on top of the revolving restaurant that stands in the cityscape, lit up so brightly that it's impossible not to notice in the night sky. I'm not sure whether this would be accepted in Toronto, where I'm from, or not, as there are debates and law suits every year over the publicity of Christmas trees in the city. But that doesn't matter right now, because the month-long party celebrating Christ's birth is beginning!
With kettles, snow and December all starting today, the Christmas spirit is abounding here (more money for kettles perhaps....?) in great joy and fellowship. I pray that the excitement and joy of the party would reach you and your community wherever you are also.
'Tis the season!!
