Thursday, March 29, 2007

Giving Hope Today

Giving Hope Today is some Salvation Army slogan that goes around. Every slogan, I think, misses the mark. But this slogan was in my mind when I received an email from my friend Derrick who has been 2 years clean today. Here is an excerpt from his email:
I feel so blessed that you have all been apart of my life. I was so hopeless and helpless. I wanted to die, I felt as though there was never going to be hope, love, redemption, and felt doomed. But today, thanks to God and him working through you....I have all of those things in my heart and more.
To all my Friend's at the Salvation Army Caring Place in Maple Ridge....I love made me your Friend. You gave me Hope because you cared through your actions for people like me. Being around you and watching your faith in action awakened my heart and made me feel as though I was loved. I will never forget it. Two years ago today you told me that you loved me and did not want to stand by while I killed myself and made it possible for me to go get help..........Thank help save my life.

Let's go out and love people and give them hope today. I live for stories like this.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

to be

"Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness leads you toward repentance?"
Romans 2:4

the more that i see transformation in my life, the more i realize that the transformation only comes because of the kindness of God, the goodness of God, the character of God. God is a mystery in many ways, but if there is one thing that i KNOW about Him, it is that He is always good. there is nothing corrupt in His ways.

He has done a miracle in my life by refining me.
i expected that He would do this by ripping me open and doing surgery.

but here's the truth:

He has changed me just by His presence.
the only thing that has ever changed me is spending time with Him.

i reckon that is where we get our strategy for the War College.

we want to change the Downtown Eastside.
and we see, from the Lord, that the only way to change the neighborhood is by our presence. we can't come in an yell at people, and start tearing things apart and expect to see transformation. all we can do is BE.

may our presence change the Downtown Eastside just as His presence has changed us.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Approaching Parliament

Our brother Donny *War College Student* left for Ottawa today to represent and be a witness in the attempt to raise the legal age of sexual consent. Currently in Canada the legal age is 14. This leaves such a wide door open for child sexual exploitation, and so much more!

Let's join together, agree and fight in prayer against this injustice.

Let's pray for our brother - wisdom, protection, peace, compassion...etc...

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Life in the DTES is so beautiful

Sometimes I'm tempted to express where we live as a complete slum. But, God tells us to look up to the mountains and ponder where our help comes from. Here, you can look up to the mountains and other peices of creation and we're so blessed to concentrate on God's beautiful works. Here's a little candid video of Denise, Joel and Olivia just messing around in the beautiful DTES. This place is so beautiful from mountains, to an ocean-side park with a pier, to an elaborate chinese garden, wonderful coffee shops, a seawall to run/bike/rollerblade on, etc! Our draw is still on sacrifice and loving God but, don't believe all the hype: Vancouver's skid row is a beautiful place.

Friday, March 23, 2007


Watching DVD's on the Salvation Army Doctrines at Stephen Courts place is always a riot. Sounds lame, but we make it cool. Last night, we paused for a short discussion on being saved by faith, but still requiring salvation, how God is all knowing yet still allows us to choose...these types of things.

We somehow stumbled on the the universalism beleif, meaning that Jesus has paid the price for all, so were all going go to heaven, because Jesus did it all for us. Then there was the more Calvinistic approach, being that I just have to believe and accept Jesus, then I am saved forever and am going to Heaven, so it doesn't matter what I do, or how often I screw up, because my place in Heaven is already secured. (this one is almost right)
This talk then brought Olivia Munn to the question..."So then what are we called?" and of course with Stephen Court in the room...we began to make up a fitting name. This is what we got....PUCA's.

PUCA stands for Potential Universal Conditional Atonement. Potential Universal because Christ did die for ALL, yet all don't accept his gift. Conditional because we believe it possibe to loose our salvation by continued habitual sin. Atonement because it's what Jesus Christ made for use....I think however more fitting than atonement would be to say salvation, because Christ has made the atonement for all but once again not all receive it.

This leaves me saying we are PUCS - I believe in Potential Universal, Conditional Salvation.

We are PUCS!

Friday, March 16, 2007

one two

first of all--

the other day, during class, one War College student let out a sudden interjection, exclaiming loudly.
we looked over at her, deeply concerned that she was in pain. then she revealed the reason for this outburst-- she had just discovered a bedbug on her shirt. gross.


here's a little update on Open Airs. this year the students have:

-done sidewalk chalk graffiti on the walls and alleys
-washed strangers feet
-preached on sky-trains and buses
-carried around signs that say "will you be my friend?"
-worshiped the Lord
-introduced a handful of people to Jesus
-put the Word forth, the Word of the Lord that never returns to Him void(Isaiah 55)

Thursday, March 15, 2007

How Can You Do?

Humans are now the third most lucrative commodity traded illegally, after drugs and guns. It's sad to think about how unaware we often are of what's going on in our own back yards. This week I had the chance to listen in on an assembly held at the Vancouver Public Library on immigration laws concerning human trafficking.
I learned how unprepared we are as a people to care and handle victims of human trafficking. We have laws set to attempt and prevent it, we even have enforcement to deal with the law breakers after it happens. However, we have no system, no governmental strategy to quarter and condition trafficked persons.
God has given me personally a passion for the souls of His people, more specifically for the oppressed and afflicted.
In recent months God has given me more and more of a heart for human trafficking victims. It all started on night when someone suggested prayer walking a possible kiddie-stroll area. Now it's takeing me to depths I would have never imagined.
I would encourage you to educate yourself about the major injustices taking place where you are, and how you can help.
sites to visit

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Revolution session

A couple weeks ago we were all able to gather in Vancouver as an entire session. We were blessed with power and unity. God anointed His words through Rob and Heather. Pray that the Revolutionists be what the world needs.

Friday, March 09, 2007

What about the rich?

I did a talk this morning highlighting God coming to earth and serving the poor. [I know he had some rich friends, but he did encourage them to give to the poor.] We see his teachings lived out in the early church where people would give up what they have to meet other people's needs. All of my Bible reading leads me to believe that God wants us to take care of each other, especially those who don't have much. I like passages like Isaiah 58, 61, Luke 4:18, Acts 4, James 1:27... They enforce that belief. So I give the whole shabang and in question time someone asked me... "What about the rich? Is there any ministry or outreach to them? Which church reaches out to the rich?"

I was a little perplexed because, from what I have experienced and seen... most churches cater to the needs, comforts and concerns of those who have a lot. Dressing up nice for Sundays is usually a part of the routine, which is nice if you are rich. Going out for dinner after church is nice, if you are rich. Getting to church is nice, if you have a car or are within walking distance. The songs we sing are pretty familiar and nicely contemporary [my preference too]... which really doesn't cater to the rocking tunes my neighbours prefer. So to answer the question, I think we actually have to ask the opposite? Which church isn't for the rich? I know there are a bunch of these too, because I see them located in my neighbourhood. First United opens its doors for shelter beds at night and the pews are beds during the day. Jacob's Well has a community Kitchen. Street Church faithfully has a service with hotdogs. Potter's place is located on the toughest block of Vancouver. These few churchs, I think, are the exception.

Oh and to answer the question... Cariboo Hill was mentioned as a church that can do both... They build relationships with the poor and invite them to participate in doing the soup truck... Plus, in my cell group we have a nice income diversity. One of my friends is in med school. Another guy comes from White Rock. One guy came from North Vancouver... and then there is me... middle of the road.. Then war college students [opportunity and upbringing]... and also people from the streets and slum hotels. The nice thing in my group, there isn't much separation because we are all coming in the name of Jesus. Isn't it great that God is about breaking down our social boundaries?

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Power in Poverty

I had the great opportunity to fly back to Texas and visit some family last week. It was an interesting time. During my time there I engaged in a conversation with my mother about freedom and I think I got something that I had never realized before.

The statement "Real freedom is when you have nothing left to loose." hit me like a ton of bricks. When you've given up everything, handed it all over to God - every single thing and person in your have nothing to be afraid of. You have nothing to loose. All that's left is either earthly, so it doesn't matter, or your life which if you loose is great because you have eternal life with the father after mortal death.
I realized the power in poverty. People who have been so deeply and grossly impoverished have so much authority. They have so much less fear because they have less to loose. They're not afraid of loosing their homes and nice cars, because they don't have them. They're not afraid of not being accepted or not having support, because it's nothing new to them. They aren't afraid of doing things that may risk their lives, because to them death would probably feel better.
I've been challenged by this realization. I've been challenged to have nothing to loose. To live my life surrender my life so completely that there is no reason why i would ever have to question if I'm willing to risk some specific thing for whatever God may be calling me to do.
"There's a power in poverty that breaks principalities, brings the authorities down to their knees."(*Jason Upton)
Now, that's what I want to do...

Exclusive behind the scenes

Rob Dolby leader of The War College and 614 in Charlotte teaches the entire Revolution session on The Vancouver. It was a nice gathering and a lot more happened than captured here. Heather Dolby's session will go up tomorrow. [I used youtube for this audiofile... if anyone knows a better way please comment].