Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A United Warrior

So Tuesday mornings in Pray The Bible [PTB for those who are cool enough] the theme is Lectio Divina [spelling please?!?!]. Todays verse was from Psalm 91, and this is what I saw:

I saw a mighty warrior dressed in full uniform. With a presence of more then one soul, like the united body of Salvationists. He was walking really, really slow through a valley in darkness. The ground was totally covered with bodies. Broken bodies, people crying out, people trying to reach up and grab at the Warrior. And as He was walking through He was sprinkling dust on the bodies and one by one the bodies began to rise. And when He turned back there was a garden growing behind Him where He had sprinkled that 'dust'. Slowly, the further through the valley the Warrior got the easier it became for Him to work and it felt like a huge burden was starting to be lifted from Him. Then in the distance it was like the sun was beginning to rise, and people were starting to rise up before the Warrior got to them. They started to get up on their own and then they started to get other people up...and it didn't take long before the sun was becoming visible and when the Warrior looked behind and infront there was garden all around. And the burden seemed to be lifted and the work became lighter. Almost like a fragrance of dancing was in the air.

It was actually incredibly intense...when the Warrior was in the darkness the work seemed so so heavy and burdening and almost overwhelming. Like He was walking through mud. But the feeling when the garden had grown on all sides was so liberating. almost breath taking!

So...this is what I saw! Hope that the things that are from God stick, and the things that aren't fall off like dust.


Saturday, September 27, 2008

My experiences

So...I've been here for 2 and a half weeks, this is my second week of classes. Its been really good. I went through a time of homesickness which was...horrible haha but its getting better. Sometimes, it gets depressing down here, seeing all the pain and addiction, but at other times its so amazing cause you get into conversations with the people who are in pain and addicted, and hear their stories...some people have amazing stories! I have so many stories, but a lot are stories that aren't really bloggable cause you cant get the full aspect of what they're like without seeing expression. I'd like to say though, people down here know that we're with 614, and its well respected, so if anyone sees us in a potentially dangerous situation, they'll step in and help. And they're very protective also because they see that we're clean, and dont want to see us getting into anything that they're into. I think they look at us and it gives them hope that they can come clean as well. Its really cool. Keep the prayers coming for sure!!

Courtney M

Friday, September 26, 2008

Wake, O sleeper; rise from the dead.

The students of the Conqueror Session have been officially intitated!
They have received their prophetic names, to symbolise gaining a new identity in their resurretion and how Christ will be teaching them to be more like Him this year.

Alberta Rakestraw is Redeemed
Carlye Morris is Impact
Courtney McLeod is Adorned
Jessica Walker is Captivated
Joshua Mills is The Lord's Arrow
Sally Beauglehole is Steadfast

Pray that these names would come to fruition this year, and that the students may continue living a life of dying to self and new life in Christ.
Hallelujah! Christ has conquered death!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

What humour

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Introducing Full Time Conquerors

and there is Stepfie too but we're getting her picture still!

World Passion Tour

On October 6th after an eventful morning with Commissioner Marilyn Francis teaching on "Holiness of Heart" the War College will join with a sold out GM place for The World Passion Tour. Pray that our students receive a full impartation of passion and we give God the praise He is due.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Home Sweet Home

These last few weeks I've spent in the downtown eastside have been interesting, challenging, fun, joyful, sorrowful...any emotion you could think of, i've probably expirienced all of them. In the last couple weeks I have learned more about myself than i ever have before. I love it and hate it at the same time. But I'm taking it all in better than I thought i would, which is completely awesome. I'm loving how close I've grown to God in these past and how fond I've become of the DTES. It almost feels weird if i don't constantly smell urine or cigarette smoke...and i love how the hallway of my building makes Jessica almost vomit, but I can't smell anything. New things are being revealed to me every day, and it's awesome how much im learning. 

keep it coming!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Welcome Home

After an intense week of ''orientation' or perhaps; ''boot camp'' to be more realistic, a few of us Conquereros decided to head off to MetroTown last Sunday to chill out.

How bizarre to walk past people and not have them react, either with some love, a smile or a stare!
How bizarre to smell clean air, free of smoke!!
How bizarre to feel one of the crowd, to not be the one everybody notices!!
How bizarre to not no anyone, to not have any friends sitting on the corner!!

It was good to be out of the DTES and to chill out, but I also felt sad! I felt a bit lost haha! Im learning very quickly to love this place and to love the openess that the people share.

Some people may call that openess being desperate; I call it being honest and being realistic. I call it being community. I call it showing love.


My first Week at The War College

Wow, so I'm almost done my very first week at the War College; all that I can say for sure is that it is one of the most surprising experiences of my life. I should probably introduce myself though. My name is Jessica Walker, I am from Mission, and if I were to be any animal I would be a mama bear(obscure, I know).
As of yet, the best thing about the War College experience on the DTES is the sense of community that everyone cultivates, and not just the 614 crew, but also the homeless and addicted: everyone knows everyone else by name. I am also seriously enjoying my Introduction To Biblical Interpretation class with the one and only Stephen Bell. Probably the thing that I have not enjoyed about the DTES is the drugs: I have seen varying ways of shooting up in the past week then I have ever wanted to in my life, and the only thing that I can do is pray and show unconditional Love. God help me.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Youth Together

The War College is pleased to announce our invitation and confirmed attendance to this year's Youth Together at Camp Sunrise [Oct 17 - 19].

Michael Collins - War College Faculty and Cariboo's Evangelist/Prophet will be delivering the mighty word of God.
Jonny and Chris Michel will lead us in anointed worship.

We'll be putting together the War Room for 24/7 and leading a night of active prayer and response.
This will be intense and sure to involve God's glory.

Pray for souls to be saved
Pray for saints to be holy
Pray for the fellowship of God

Pray that we come prepared to conquer the foe

Read The Bible & Air Force

Today saw the inception of our corporate reading through The Bible. We made it through 2 chapters after a fifteen minute explanation of the practice. The troops were stirred and enriched with revelation and mystery. There are some keeners who know how to ask appropriate questions from the text. Who knows what will unfold as we continue throughout the year?

We started walking with the cover of heaven's artillery. God is taking the land while we walk the streets with prayer asking God to pour out His blessing and showing us where to partner in His Kingdom come. This practice of 'Air Force' [prayer walking] takes from Rev 5 and 8's account of the prayers of the saints and what heaven does with the sweet smelling stuff. Glory be to God! May we see more porn theatres torn to the ground, empty lots become full of goodness and pawn shops closed.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

I was walking down Main Street, heading towards the first official 2008/2009 War College function excited to meet and greet the new students. I walked out of my door, turned the corner and in the distance saw a crowd of people. "What a cool looking group" I thought to myself, and upon closer examination realised it was The War College!

That was 48 hours ago. Now, I am sitting here, reflecting on the past two days and it has been a blur, a good blur, but a blur nonetheless.

Today we began the day with 60 seconds of Spiritual Pump, followed by Pray the Bible Lectio Divina style. Then we were blessed to be taught the Enneagram by Servants International leader, Craig Greenfield, and as a result we have a better understanding of how God has created ourselves and others and what we can do to work together in our giftings and personalities. I didn't get a chance to hit up this afternoons class, Life in the Margins, but I hear it was excellent!

Now, the students are out on League of Mercy. Visiting their new neighbours in homes, slum hotels, hostels, residences and on the streets.

What a great way to start this year!
These guys are definitely CONQUERORS!!!


Monday, September 08, 2008

Students arrive!

The conquerors session has begun this morning with Rations and Praying the Bible. Students are currently involved in an 'initial ambush' where they will be introduced to the Downtown Eastside and God's Kingdom here. The activity involves walking around with identifiable Salvation Army shield tattoos, eating in food lines, meeting our friends on the street, drinking coffee at the local coffee shop, sharing good news about Jesus, etc.

Stay posted for pictures and more!


Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Peter Footer's Testimony [Adelaide, Australia]

Coming to Canada came with a big culture shock, different foods, likes and language. Yes Canadians claim to speak English but that is far from the truth. Living in community with a wide range of different people has changed my life for ever. The War College teaches you that life is not all about you. Here we learned to serve what the world considers the least, we are challenged in what to consider a Christian life and what a Christian ethic really is. Every day brought a new challenge and a fresh revelation. The War College has not brought me to completion I am in no way ready to face all the trials of this spiritual battle but God has put me into a new direction and started me on a fresh path towards offering my life as a living sacrifice and being of service in His Army.